Our Films


2021, Drama


2021, Documentary\Experimental

50 Broken pieces

2022, documentary


Kamel, a young Arab in his 50s, suffers from autism and travels with his paralyzed sister to the Dead Sea to receive medical treatment for the saline seawater in the hope that it will help him treat the psoriasis that has spread through his body. He finds himself in a difficult situation and is unable to understand the crowd nor explain himself. And in the end he finds his death in a place where even dead angels were. The Dead Sea


Five performers from different backgrounds, all of whom have a common denominator – the lack of stage. In the wake of a global pandemic and security situation for more than a year, each has embarked on a new path of uncertainty. In this film they bring the personal and physical experience of the loss of stage identity and the Israeli cultural political situation

50 Broken pieces

1995 – A car bomb is detonated in an Israeli village near Gaza strip. Meir is stuck there. Suffers PTSD. Haunted. Can’t get the smells, the noises and the scattered body parts out of his mind. The guilt plagues him and will not let go. Meir conjures up difficult experiences I had repressed from my own service in the Air Force helicopter squadron. The worst of them was the helicopter crash in Romania during a training session I commanded, in which I lost friends and subordinates. We are on a joint journey of close friendship, struggling with the ghosts that haunt us.

A joint film project for the Pinchas Sapir College of the Negev

And the Gesher Multicultural Film Fund

With the support of the Film Council and the Ministry of Culture.